The Hope Centre

Strengthening the Community Through Relationships

The Hope Centre has been established in Paynesville for the Paynesville Community. The facility includes a café area, baby and toddlers’ play enclosure and beautiful outlook over Lake Victoria. There is also a baby change facility for mums with bubs.

There is a sign on the wall inside the Hope Centre that says ‘Sit long, talk much’, and this sums up the atmosphere of The Hope Centre perfectly. There is plenty of tea and coffee on hand, free of charge, to all who would like to avail themselves of it, as well as friendly chatter or peace and quiet – whatever you feel like.

We plan to have some of the following groups available:
mothers’ groups, youth groups, grief support,playgroup, children’s activities, strengthening your marriage course, premarriage course. As well as courses like cooking and budgeting, and it is anticipated that this list will grow over time.

The staff are always interested to hear what you would like to be happening at the centre, so please feel free to drop in and let them know what you would like. They would also like to hear from you if you have a group that would like to make use of the facility, so feel free to contact the centre and book in your allotted time.

The Hope Centre is also the home of two community services: Seed for the Need, supplying food and essential item parcels to those who need them (on a no-questions-asked basis), and Helping Hand, performing odd jobs and practical handyman services where required.
